In this lesson, Dr. Moo explains how a Greek word in Romans 12:1 can help with "Worship Wars" in the church.
Step 1: Watch the Lecture
Step 2: Reading
Step 3: Application Questions
In every lesson of every course the Redemption Seminary curriculum has students answer application questions. This work builds into a portfolio that demonstrates learning for the course. This approach (rather than term papers or exams) helps people with busy lives chip away and amass a wealth of wisdom to reflect upon. See how the Lord blesses your work in answering the following questions.
How does understanding that our focus should be on “living” rather than “killing” in our act of sacrifice affect how we approach “worship wars” in the church?
This study obviously qualifies as rational worship. List a few habits of yours that qualify as rational worship. Is there one that you want to work on improving or adopting?