Redemption Academic Calendar
The annual academic calendar is divided into six eight-week terms: two in the spring, two in the summer, and two in the fall.
Each term ends with a faculty week. During this week, students submit course reviews, faculty submit grades, and the institution works to improve the curriculum. Make-up mentoring sessions are also scheduled.
Key Dates and Deadlines
Course Registration Deadline—Every two months, there is a deadline for registering for mentoring in the following month. Students begin courses as soon as they register for a course and select which term they want to be mentored in.
Zero-Week Meeting: When a student registers to be mentored by someone who hasn’t mentored them previously, they schedule a meeting with that mentor the week before regular mentor sessions (zero-week).
If a national or religious holiday falls within a term, mentor-professors can find a mutually agreeable time for a rescheduled mentoring session. Such arrangements should be planned when students and mentors determine their regular mentoring time.